Parenting: Preparing your baby for the pool

July 2, 2010

I logged onto CafeMom, one of the largest sites for parents and a new partner of ABC News. Turns out a correspondent and mother there had just addressed this question on Monday. First up, kiddies under 6 months should not use sunscreen. They should be kept indoors, covered up or in the shade to protect their delicate skin. But if you want to get a little sun, apply a minimum amount of at least SPF 15.

There are two kinds of sunscreen: mineral and chemical. Stick with the mineral, like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which stay on the skin's surface. Chemical blocks, like oxybenzone, penetrate the skin and get into the bloodstream.

Make sure you give your baby a once over with sunscreen, even on cloudy days, if he's going to be outside. Reapply it every two hours if you're playing in the water or it's a sweaty day. Be careful near water, sand and snow, since they can reflect UV rays and cause sunburn faster. In fact, make sure you get a screen with good UVA protection.

Here's to hoping our kid actually learns to like that hallmark of the summer, water!

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