Best diet ideas for 2015

Tuesday, January 6, 2015
VIDEO: Best diet plans on 2015
If you're looking to slim down in the New Year, there are a few diets that stand out above the rest.

If you're looking to slim down in the New Year, U.S. News and World Report has just released the best diets for 2015.

When it comes to diets, who is winning the battle of the bulge?

The magazine evaluated 41 diet plans that they considered to be the best of 2015.

Anglea Haupt, Senior Health Editor, U.S. News and World Report said, "We deliver the facts on whether diets are good for weight loss or whether they'll help prevent and manage diabetes and heart disease.

Now, when it comes to dropping pounds, U.S. News gave top honors to reigning champ, Weight Watchers, which uses a point system for all foods.

Second on the list was a brand new diet, the Health Management Resources, which is a food delivery system.

The easiest plans to follow were Weight Watchers, followed by Jenny Craig and the Mediterranean Diet, which focus on lots of fruits, veggies and fish.

The top diet overall for the 5th year in a row was the Dash Diet.

This diet is all about portion control and balancing protein and carbs.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News medical contributor says, "When you're talking about what makes a good diet, it needs three things. It needs to be safe, it needs to be simple and it needs to be sustainable."

One list to help you lose.