Your Vote Counts - a 6abc Town Hall

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Saturday, October 3, 2020
Watch Now: 6abc Town Hall - Your Vote Counts
Brian Taff hosts a 6abc Town Hall on the importance of your vote and how you can make sure it's counted.

PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Action News Anchor Brian Taff moderates 6abc's Building it Better Together Town Hall: Your Vote Counts.

The goal of this half-hour conversation is to make sure that no matter where you live in the tri-state area, or for whomever you intend to vote, you know how to make sure your right to vote is respected, and your ballot is counted.

Viewer questions and concerns around mail-in ballots, polling locations, and voter intimidation will be answered by several election officials and public policy experts. Plus, we list all the important dates & deadlines for voters in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware.


Kathy Boockvar - Pa. Secretary of State

Lisa Deeley - (D) Chairwoman, Philadelphia City Commissioner

David Thornburgh - President & CEO, Committee of Seventy

Anthony Albence - Delaware State Election Commissioner

Professor Ben Dworkin- Rowan University Institute for Public Policy & Citizenship (N.J.)

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