Learn How to Throw an Axe From 'Axe-Perts'

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Saturday, January 18, 2020
Learn How to Throw an Axe From 'Axe-Perts'
Throwing axes not only gets out aggression. It's fun!It's the latest trend in entertainment venues: active entertainment ranging from escape rooms to ax throwing. In fact, there are about a dozen ax-throwing venues in Chicago and the suburbs that have opened up in the last couple of years!

It's the latest trend in entertainment venues: active entertainment ranging from escape rooms to ax throwing. In fact, there are about a dozen ax-throwing venues in Chicago and the suburbs that have opened up in the last couple of years!

Localish's John Garcia visited a couple of them to find out what the draw is. He discovered a lot of people seem to be curious.

Some say it's a great way to get out a little aggression, and get a shot of adrenaline. It can also be a competitive activity for groups of friends or coworkers.