SEPTA trolley driver displays annual "Love Car" ahead of Valentine's Day

Gary Mason is a self-proclaimed "trolley fanatic" and SEPTA's own Cupid of sorts.
Thursday, February 10, 2022
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- A trolley operator in West Philadelphia is spreading the love, on wheels, this Valentine's Day with his annual "Love Car."

Gary Mason is a self-proclaimed "trolley fanatic" and SEPTA's own Cupid of sorts.

"I put on smooth sounds coming through the speakers and a heart for every window," Mason said. "I hang flowers for the ladies. I like to give these rides a different feel. With everything going on, this is something positive."

Mason has worked for SEPTA for more than 35 years, and his goal is to bring some joy to people during their daily grind.

He hasn't had any proposals on board his Valentine's Trolley since he's been decorating it for the past three decades, but he is ready.

"Before I retire, I'm waiting for somebody to get married on the Love Car," he laughed. "Really, that's what I'm waiting for."

Mason plans to work for four more years, so there's still time.

His son helps him decorate, and it takes about 11 hours.

He also decks out his trolley for Halloween and Christmas.

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