Health officials warn of COVID-19 outbreak at church in Philadelphia's Tacony section

Wednesday, August 19, 2020
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Health officials are issuing a warning after an outbreak of COVID-19 was identified at a church in the Tacony section of Philadelphia.

Officials said nine members from the City Reach Philly Church, at 6814 Torresdale Avenue, from at least five different households have tested positive for COVID-19, though the health department believes the number of those infected may be much higher.

The outbreak was identified through case investigation and contact tracing efforts, which are ongoing.

Officials said of the nine members, the first showed symptoms as early as Aug. 6. In-person church services have been suspended since Aug. 13 due to the positive cases.

Philadelphia is currently under a modified "green phase" of reopening, which means that religious services are allowed, but all congregants and leaders must wear masks and attendance is limited to 25 people. No choirs or group singing is allowed and individuals or family groups should stay at least 6-feet apart.

Parishioners and staff at the City Reach Philly Church should consider themselves exposed to COVID-19 if they attended a service in August 2020. They should quarantine from others for 14 days and monitor for symptoms, health officials said.
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