To Your Health: Breastfeed, cardio vs. weights, spring diet tips

Monday, April 3, 2017
In this week's edition of "To Your Health," we're talking about breastfeeding, cardio vs. weight training workouts, and spring diet tips.


Moms who have trouble breastfeeding may not need to worry so much about the long-term impact of their child's cognitive development.

That's according to a new study.

Researchers in Ireland compared kids who were formula-fed to those who were breast-fed on a series of mental measures.

Both groups performed equally well, taking into account socio-economic status.

But it's important to note that breastfeeding offers many other health benefits for both mother and child.


It's a common question for those trying to lose weight: is cardio or weight training better?

An eight-month study followed 119 overweight adults. Some just did cardio, some did just strength training, some did both.

The cardio group lost the most weight.

But the volunteers who did BOTH cardio and strength training had the biggest improvement in the ratio of fat to lean muscle mass.


And now for today's tip....

It's a great time for some spring cleaning, not just for your home, but also for your diet.

First, start by limiting processed foods.

Second, try to add two more vegetables per day to your diet. The more colors you eat, the better.

Finally, drink more water.

You can spruce it up by adding fruit, or switch it up by drinking seltzer water instead.

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