15-year-old pit bull gets second chance thanks to Pa. veterinarian

Friday, October 14, 2022
POCOPSON TOWNSHIP, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- "When you adopt a senior pet, you live every day to the fullest to have them be the happiest that they possibly can be," said Dr. Amy Kidd.

Kidd and her family know that mantra by heart. They have made a special effort to adopt older dogs with medical conditions to make sure their final years are happy and comfortable.

Her latest adoption, Netty, was no exception. The 15-year-old pit bull was adopted from the Pennsylvania SPCA more than a decade ago. However, her previous family made the difficult decision to surrender her due to medical concerns.

The Pennsylvania SPCA made a plea to social media to find a home for Netty to avoid the terrible fate of euthanasia. The post received more than 4,000 shares, which was enough to reach Dr. Kidd.

"One of my receptionists forwarded a Facebook post with Netty's sad story from the Pennsylvania SPCA, and we emailed them immediately," said Dr. Kidd.

Dr. Kidd, who owns the Pocopson Veterinary Station, was already acclimated to caring for pets like Netty. Whether at home or at work, she is always on the job.

"It's just something that we decided as a family that you know, there was a need out there and we're going to take in as many as we can," she said. "The last 10 years, we've had about two dozen senior dogs come through our doors."

After the connection was made, Netty made her way home with the Kidd family.

"Netty took over the second she walked in the door. She is the ruler of the house," said Dr. Kidd. "We're slowly working on her issues, her medical issues, and her mobility, and the little bugger is going up and down the stairs no problem now."

The Pennsylvania SPCA hopes to see more success stories like Netty's in the future.

"Right now, at the Pennsylvania SPCA on Erie Avenue, we have about 100 adoptable dogs on our property," said Maddie Bernstein, Director of Life Saving. "So, I would definitely plead to anyone that if they have space in their home, if they have time in their life to take in an animal, whether it's as a foster as an adopted animal, even for like a weekend, it would make an incredible impact."

Dr. Kidd encourages anyone struggling with a senior dog to consult their local veterinarian before taking the next steps.

To learn more about Pocopson Veterinary Station or the Pennsylvania SPCA, visit their websites.

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