Chester County teen raising money to donate bikes to children in need

Friday, May 12, 2023
PAOLI, Pennsylvania (WPVI) -- Dom Pecora started Dom Fixes Bikes back in 2019 after he asked his mom to buy him a really expensive bike.

When she told him he had to make the money and buy it for himself, he decided to turn his passion into a business and began tuning up old bikes.

But his simple idea has turned into so much more. Dom now has a goal to give away 100 bikes a year to kids who are in need.

He sometimes fixes up old bikes to give them away, but prefers to buy brand new bikes. The money for the bikes is both out of pocket and also funded through various donations from the community.

Dom also travels to preschools around the region, stressing the importance of wearing a helmet while riding bikes after he was hit by a car while riding his bike as a child. He says his helmet helped to protect him from serious injury.

His goal is to grow his business and give away as many bikes as possible to anyone who needs one. To make a donation, CLICK HERE.
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