Eleven Eleven bedazzles birthday breakfasts and serves a wish with every dish

Tuesday, April 30, 2024
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Legend has it that whenever you see a clock hit the time of 11:11, you should make a wish.

Banesha Whitney, the owner of Eleven Eleven, grew up doing just that and also named her first restaurant after the concept.

As an entrepreneur with an eye for decor, she did all of the interiors herself.

The standout feature is a wall of clocks that are all set to 11:11 -- in addition to a 'make a wish' selfie wall, and light fixtures designed as cotton clouds.

Breakfast entrees are the specialty and are served all day long.

Every day at 11:11, all customers are given sparklers and encouraged to make a wish.

Owner Banesha Whitney, holding one of the sparklers customers are handed at 11:11 daily.

Eleven Eleven | Instagram
727 S. 2nd Street, Philadelphia, PA 19147
Tuesday-Friday, 9:00am-3:00pm, weekends until 5:00pm
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