Study: Unstable income linked to heart risk

Swings or drops in finances doubled risk in 23 to 35 year-olds
Friday, April 12, 2019
Lots of Americans will be working on their taxes this weekend.

That stress alone is unhealthy.

However, a new study found that big swings in income raise the risk of heart disease and deaths related to it.

In fact, young adults with fluctuating pay had double the heart disease.

The study was done with 4,000 young adults between the ages of 23 and 35.

"They found with more income volatility, there was a higher risk of cardiovascular disease and ultimately mortality," says Dr. Luke Laffin, a cardiologist at the Cleveland Clinic.

He adds, "Of course this is an association, so it doesn't mean that one necessarily causes the other, but it was a relatively robust association that they did find."

Doctors say the study shows why you're never too young to take care of your heart.

"Don't let things fester or drag on. Even if you are young, because often times, when we're young, we think we're invincible, but these problems can add up," says Dr. Laffin.

Doctors say a healthy diet, exercise, and stress reducers like meditation or yoga can all help.
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