Are you suffering from COVID-19 pandemic burnout? Take the test

If you're not feeling nurtured and supported, you're probably not being the parent, partner or person you want to be.
Tuesday, August 24, 2021
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- We are entering a second school year with uncertainty.

The pandemic has taken an unprecedented and intense toll on parents.

We're 17 months into this and experts say we're now hitting the burnout phase.

"Parenting during the pandemic is 100 times more stressful," says Mercedes Quintana, a working mom. "We are so exhausted physically, emotionally. You're stuck having to figure it out all on your own 24/7, but you're still expected to meet the same expectations."

Ericka Souter is the author of "How to Have a Kid and A Life: A Survival Guide."

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She says parenting has gone from hard to overwhelming.

Juggling it all in today's circumstances is sometimes impossible.

She says the best place to start is by checking in with yourself.

"I have this mommy burnout test, and dads can take it too," Souter says. "First you want to ask yourself, 'Am I nurturing my marriage or partnership? Is my career going in the right direction? Do I have supportive friends to turn to? People who will listen to me, who care about me?'"

Also ask yourself: Are you nurturing the passions or interests you had before kids?

And here's a big one: do you have an outlet that's just for YOU!?

If you answered no to a lot of those questions, it's time to reprioritize.

Souter says there's no grand prize for being a mommy martyr.

If you're not feeling nurtured and supported, you're probably not being the parent, partner or person you want to be.

So, be good to yourself. Take even 15 minutes a day to do something you love.

Take the edge off.

Want to know if you're burnt out?

Click here for her burnout test.

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