Philadelphia's MANNA puts the pie in Pi Day

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Philadelphia's Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutritional Alliance has hosted a pie fundraiser around Thanksgiving for many years, getting much-needed funds for their goal: to provide medically tailored education and meals for people suffering from a major illness.

So every year when March 14 rolls around, (Pi Day because the mathematical constant is expressed as 3.14) MANNA swings into action by selling pies to raise funds.

And based on taste testers at the pie sale, it's a resounding success.

Mary Simons is a new volunteer at MANNA located on North 20th Street.

She's part of a large team of volunteers working feverishly to prepare meals for those illnesses like cancer, HIV/AIDs, and kidney disease.

The food is prepared, cooked and shipped out the door for those in need.

"The joy that I get out of volunteering here is great. And I'm a retired nurse so it's still my connection to taking care of patients. I'm just making delicious food and meeting great people," said Simons.

The pies went out the door fast on this Pi Day, but fundraising is a year-long effort for the organization. If you want to find out more about MANNA's big pie sale, please visit them at
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