Personalize your diet to kick start summer weight loss

Monday, May 22, 2017
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- It's a little too late if you're looking to drop 15 pounds by Memorial Day. But there are things you can do to help you feel better in a week and kick start your weight loss.

One local working mother has dropped 30 pounds in four months. She says her plan worked because it was tailored specifically for her.
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48-year-old Melissa Myers of Pennsport started her weight loss journey last October when the scale was creeping up to nearly 200 pounds.

"I knew at that point I couldn't walk up a flight of steps without being out of breath. I had to lose the weight," she said.

Myers started on her own, cut out sugar and lost 10 pounds. Then she enlisted the help of OnPoint Nutrition for a more manageable plan. They provide virtual counseling with 100-percent individualized weight loss plans.

Emily Pierce, R.D. for OnPoint Nutrition helped Melissa plan what to toss into her shopping cart for meals and snacks, and she also helped her curb emotional eating.

Over four months Melissa dropped 30 more pounds and has gone down four pants sizes.

"It's nice to be able to walk up steps and not get out of breath. It's nice to be able to bend over and tie my shoes. I feel amazing," Melissa said.

Britney Kennedy, founder of OnPoint Nutrition, says a personalized plan works best because everyone's likes and dislikes, needs and goals are different.

Melissa likes to fit in a glass of wine occasionally, and her favorite foods include pizza and cheeseburgers. So, she plans around them by scaling back on fattening and starchy foods for other meals and focusing on vegetables and lean protein instead.
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Britney says keeping track of what you eat is vital.

"If you're not keeping track, you don't really know what you're eating," Britney said.

And small changes over time are the ones that last.

"It's a slow and steady wins the race kind of process," says Britney. "Healthy, realistic weight loss one to two pounds a week is ideally what we strive for."

But she says even in a week, if you drink more water and cut out processed foods, you'll feel better.

Melissa says her results with a personalized plan are better than any fad diet or book - healthy living has now become habit.

"I'm not going back to where I was. I'm only moving forward with this," said Melissa.
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She says she would like to lose ten more pounds. She doesn't exercise because she says she doesn't have time. But she does try to be active throughout the day, tracking her steps with a goal of getting 8,000 steps per day.

The initial consultation with OnPoint Nutrition is free. Then $45 per week covers two 30 minute sessions per week and unlimited access to their nutritionist via email/text, online portal access and weekly food logs.

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