Cheyney University dorms without hot water for several days

Wednesday, February 6, 2019
CHEYNEY, Pa. (WPVI) -- Cheyney University students tell Action News that they have been without hot water in their dorms for the last five days.

And they are speaking out.

"$20,000 a year with your tuition and housing to live on campus. We deserve not even that luxury, but the necessity of having hot water," said student Corey England.

They even took their concerns to the university's president at a town hall meeting Tuesday.

"We're fixing it as quickly as can be," said Cheyney University President Aaron Walton.

The university blames the weather for the dorms' two water heaters going down and the sprinkler system malfunctioning in some faculty offices. Officials say new parts have been ordered.

"We've patched up the old ones to keep it going until the new ones are here," said Walton.

Students are wondering when it is actually going to end and hot water will be restored.

"He keeps saying a deadline of the next day and the next day, but the next day it is still not on. When is this going to end?" said England.

Students received a series of emails claiming services would soon be restored.

Meanwhile, accommodations were made for students to be shuttled to other facilities around campus that some say are outdated and falling apart.

"I understand that the buildings and things we're using are old, I get it, but after a while, they need to be replaced," said senior Jeana Williams.

Cheyney University is the nation's oldest historically black college. It has been plagued with problems, including being cash strapped, low enrollment and, at one point, danger of losing its accreditation.

"It's an amazing school. It has a great body of students," said junior Joi Oliver. "It deserves better. It deserves better treatment."

Students say they hope to meet with the administration again on Wednesday to address this ongoing issue.

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