Aston Township carnival shut down permanently after large fight, arrests made

Saturday, April 20, 2019
ASTON TOWNSHIP, Pa. (WPVI) -- Cell phone video captured some of the chaos that erupted at the Aston Township Fire Department carnival on Thursday night.
The images show a juvenile being put in cuffs

Unfortunately, a massive brawl would become the last few moments in history for the annual carnival.

Witnesses say it was like a stampede.

To control the crowd a much needed response was required from law enforcement from all across Delaware County.

In fact, multiple people say this was only a matter of time.

Fights were repeatedly happening frequently Thursday night.

Brawl breaks out in Aston carnival

Jonathan Hess was there. He said, "There was a good three to four fights here."

Once order was restored the fire department quickly issued this message on Facebook.

The department stated, "On behalf of the Officers and Members of the ATFD we would like to apologize to the residents of Aston as well as the surrounding community. Once a local family tradition, has turned into a landing spot for out of town troublemakers."

As result they began breaking down the fair Friday, two days before it was scheduled to end.

The department has decided to end it permanently.

Aston neighbor Breanna Sheere said, "There's always something here every year though with people from out of town."

But despite that Sheerer says she can't believe it's come to this, that a time honored tradition in her hometown is ruined.

Aston Township carnival shut down permanently after large fight

We also spoke with Myrna Smith who wonders if the department is going to give her a refund after buying her kids tickets.

Smith said, "I have 3 kids here. Spent over $130.00."

She has a message for whoever was involved with this.

Smith said, "They know better and were taught better. They ruined it for the kids who don't get in trouble."

The carnival was the main fundraiser for the local volunteer fire department.

Now they're going to have to figure out a way to make things up for their budget.
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