Philadelphia hits a heatwave as people try to stay cool

Friday, July 7, 2023
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Philadelphia was officially in a heat wave on Friday - with more than three days of 90-degree temperatures - and the humidity felt extra oppressive.

At Francisville Pool, there's only one way to keep cool.

"I just got right in, I went full force straight to the bottom," said Taft Minnick.
Visiting one of the city's 61 public pools is a great way to tire out the kids.

"This is a different energy burner. I know everyone is going to be tired after this," says Minnick.

On 33rd and Girard Avenue, Dominic Page was under the shade of large trees, offering ice-cold refreshments to passing drivers battling the heat.

"They love our fruit juices, Gatorades - everything sells," says Page.

If you have to do manual labor on a day like today, Jim's Ice is where you want to work.

"It can be quite handy on a day like today, you get all sweaty and you can come in here and cool off for a bit, but we're working hard," said owner Don Ware.

The tiny pitter-patter of feet splashed in puddles at Sister Cities Park. It's a fast way to cool off in the concrete jungle.

Ezra is taking part, and grandma was watching under the shade of an umbrella.

"We're going to be staying in water, we'll probably go from fountain to fountain," says Karen Kaplan.

The Philadelphia Health Department says water is your friend on days like this. If you're thirsty, that's an indication you're already dehydrated.

For additional help:

The Heatline - a special helpline number - is open for calls: (215) 765-9040

Department of Homeless Services: (215) 232-1984
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