Lone Vikings' fans in Philly and New Jersey

Saturday, January 20, 2018
BRIDESBURG (WPVI) -- Amid the Eagles fans on one block in Philadelphia's Bridesburg section is a Viking fan.

"He's like the purple people eater." One neighbor said.

One home and one guy stands out.

You're a rare breed in Bridesburg.

"I wear something Vikings every day," Pete Butterline said

Even Down to his nails.

Butterline bleeds purple and gold.

"I collect everything, anything Vikings,' he said.

His den is a tribute to the team his father rooted for years ago.

"He was a Vikings fan. He got me that jersey. I watched one game. That was it," added Butterline.

He was hooked.

Once a year this Philadelphia native catches a game in Minnesota with his kids. "I haven't missed a game in 18 years," Butterline said.

But this is where he'll watch Sunday's game surrounded by fellow Vikings fans.

We asked Butterline, how often he's harassed.

He said, "I get boos but it's not harassment because everyone knows me and they call me Minnesota Pete."

What do his neighbors think?

Neighbor Dan Anderson said, "He's a great guy. Got great kids. The whole family is misguided."

Another neighbor Ray Lewandowski said, "I always say are you set for Sunday? I say Go Eagles, and he says go Minnesota."

Across the river, Steven Davis' Collingswood, New Jersey's home is draped in Purple, even his Christmas tree.

"I'm a diehard fan. I'm starving for a championship," he said.

His fandom passed down from his late father, and now onto his wife and daughters. Nine-year-old old Kylie wore her jersey to school.

"A lot of kids started saying stuff about me but I was like ok. We'll see how the game goes," Kylie said.

So what's it like being a Vikings fan amid Eagles mania?

Davis said, "You turn on every news station and its Eagles Eagles Eagles. But I'm in Eagles country. What am I going to do?"

Davis says he plans to watch the game at home.

His Prediction? "I won't say nothing," Davis said.

Butterline says, "I don't predict because than I look like a fool."

Both guys say they will root for the Eagles if they win on Sunday.

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