
101-year-old veteran renews driver's license in Texas

Sunday, January 19, 2025
BOERNE, Texas -- Thomas "Ed" Davis is a Boerne centenarian who proudly served his country in World War II and the Korean War.

And he has just renewed his driver's license. It is no big deal to 101-year-old Davis.

Just like other Texans 85 years or older, he renews his driver license every two years.

"I guess I probably did it to see if I could! Wasn't much to it, really. I filled out a form, they held up a card and said, 'Can you read that?' I could read it, so there I was," Davis said.

Davis is not the first centenarian driver in his family. His older brother set the bar.

"He had gotten his driver's license, I think, at 103," Davis said.

His vehicle of choice is a Chevy pickup.

SEE ALSO | Bill aims to increase age for Illinois seniors to retake driving exam from 79 to 87

"Chevy's always been my favorite of the trucks," Davis said.

He drove a lot of trucks for his construction business.

"Well, I went and got some lumber yesterday," Davis said.

The father of five keeps his trips short, sticking around the Boerne area.

"I go to HEB sometimes. There's a Dollar General here up the highway. Too many cars." Davis said.

But does he drive the speed limit?

"Not really," Davis said. "Quite a bit [under.] Y'all scared back there?"

His driving record is pretty spotless. It has nothing more than the occasional speeding ticket, but that was a long time ago.

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