Fmr. NJ school computer technician charged with extorting nude photos from girls

Friday, September 20, 2024 5:05PM ET
DELANCO, New Jersey (WPVI) -- A former school computer technician in Burlington County has been charged with extorting explicit photos from underage girls.

Bryce Berger, 24, of Delanco, is facing multiple child pornography-related charges.

He was arrested Thursday after a search of his home. Authorities said that multiple electronic devices were seized and will be examined by detectives.

Police say he used the social media app Snapchat to request the photos from his victims, then threatened to share them if they did not send additional images.

He's also accused of sending sexually explicit images to the victims.

Berger was employed by Medford Township Public Schools. The position was non-instructional and police say he was not around students in an unsupervised capacity.

"While we cannot disclose details at this time, the person is no longer with the district. We have taken immediate action to ensure this individual has no access to school buildings or property," the school district said in a statement to Action News.

Investigators say the victims are between the ages of 12 and 17 but authorities do not believe any of them are students in the district.

Anyone with information is asked to call the Burlington County Prosecutor's Office or the Delanco Township Police Department.

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