
Backstage tour at Pixar reveals how 'Inside Out 2' came to life

Saturday, June 15, 2024
"On The Red Carpet" is taking viewers inside Pixar Animation Studios for a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the new film "Inside Out 2," now playing in theaters everywhere.

The sequel to the Oscar-winning original "Inside Out" takes place several years later, with the character Riley now a teenager -- which means new emotions like Anxiety, Envy, Embarrassment and Ennui.

In a new episode of "On The Red Carpet," host George Pennacchio toured the usually closed-to-the-public Pixar Animation Studios to see firsthand some of the incredible animation technology used to bring the film to life.

He also saw some of the unique offices the Pixar animators have created for themselves, including one designed to look like a witch's hut.

"Creativity oozes out of every door of this department," Pixar animator Aaron McGriff told Pennacchio. "This is literally where our characters come to life."
Actors who lent voices to 'Inside Out 2' hit the purple carpet for film's Hollywood premiere

Pennacchio also interviewed the all-star cast of "Inside Out 2," including Amy Poehler, who returns as the always bubbly Joy.

"It's Pixar. They're geniuses," Poehler told said at the film's world premiere in Hollywood. "Everybody loves this movie. The first one won an Oscar, babe. And the second one's just as good!"

Maya Hawke voices Anxiety, one of the new emotions Riley has to contend with as she faces the challenges of puberty, pimples and all.

"Puberty is so, so hard," Hawke told "On The Red Carpet." "It's a deeply confusing and strange time, and I think that those little gestures (like giving the character blemishes) are to create a sense of realism in the movie."

"I actually wish I had it as together as Riley did when I was that age. Like, I wish that those were my things I was struggling with," she said.

Watch the full episode, "On The Red Carpet Presents: Inside Out 2," in the video player above. The Walt Disney Co. is the parent company of Pixar Animation Studios and this station.

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