Alicia Vitarelli chats with the cast of 'Ron's Gone Wrong'

Wednesday, October 20, 2021
PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Coming of age in the age of technology can be tough, especially for kids who don't have the latest device.

The new animated film "Ron's Gone Wrong" features a boy who is struggling to fit in, and the quirky, glitchy robot who teaches him what true friendship and connection are all about.

This film will really make you think about your relationship with devices and technology and what "friends" truly are.

The star-studded cast of the film will have you laughing, soul searching, and maybe wiping away a few tears.

Every kid in Barney's town gets the hottest new tech device called a B-Bot, a "Best Friend in a Box." It's a personal assistant programmed to know everything about you and offer the ultimate companionship.

Barney gets one named Ron. He's sort of offline and off the grid, but he's high on enthusiasm and love.

"Ron isn't perfect, but people aren't perfect," said Zach Galifiankis, the voice of Ron. "It's okay to be in friendships that aren't perfect. That's what makes them interesting and great."

Jack Dylan Grazer, the voice of Alberto in this summer's Pixar hit "Luca," is the voice of Barney. All he wants is to fit in, something we can all relate to at some point in our lives.

"I think he's the embodiment of underdog triumph," said Grazer.

Ron is here to remind Barney, and us, what it truly means to be connected.

"I really wanted to get a conversation going," said Galifiankis. "I feel like we haven't talked about the potential and impact of all this technology and we're now talking about it."

For full interviews with the cast and creative team, head to the 6abc family of streaming apps on Apple TV, Roku and Fire TV.

"Ron's Gone Wrong" is in theaters on Friday, October 22.

And our friends at On The Red Carpet are giving away free tickets! For contest details and to enter to win, CLICK HERE.
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