Last-minute Christmas shoppers race against the clock at Cherry Hill Mall

Friday, December 20, 2019
CHERRY HILL, New Jersey (WPVI) -- The countdown is on and last-minute shoppers only have a few days left to find that perfect gift.

Drone 6 gave a glimpse of the busy parking lots on Friday afternoon at Cherry Hill Mall, in Cherry Hill, New Jersey.

"It's so busy, so hectic and everybody is everywhere shopping. There is like nothing left because everyone did their shopping in October," said Maya Barnes, of Old City.

Many shoppers said they only need that one last gift, but some say they did most of their shopping online. Others say it's crunch time.

"Gift cards are not callous or indifferent. Gift cards mean you love the person enough to let them pick their own gift. So, a gift card is always a good way to go," said Alex Lewis, of Oakland.

Cherry Hill Mall is just one of the hot spots across the area that will be extended its hours over the next few days leading up to Christmas. Employees say malls offer a true shopping ambiance that you can't get online.

"I have been doing this for over 30 years and it never surprises me. A lot of people love that last minute, seeking the right gift. There are a lot of great sales that go on," said Lisa Wolstroner, Senior Marketing Director at Cherry Hill Mall.

For all you last-minute shoppers here is some last-minute advice:

"Just make a list and have a plan and get in and out as fast as possible so you can spend time with your family," said Gunther.

"Really just rolling with it being patient and being nice to salespeople," said Jane Norris, of Radnor.

You may not have a lot of time left, but the good news is you still have some time. Remember, many malls and shopping centers will have extended holiday hours, so check the locations in your area.
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