The Zoo never closes: Why Philadelphia's historic animal sanctuary needs your help

Sunday, November 15, 2020
PHILADELPHIA, Pa. (WPVI) -- The Philadelphia Zoo may have closed its gates for several months due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it never truly closed.

"Well, you can't furlough the animals," said Vik Dewan, the Zoo's President & CEO.

Dewan insists that animal care is the Zoo's top priority. Yet, the Zoo is faced with financial burden due to the lack of visitors.

"After that, there's some difficult choices, ones that we would rather not face," said Dewan. "And with your support, that day does not have to come."

Despite the pandemic, PECO Energy Company has not wavered in its commitment to support the zoo.

The long-time team notably reimagined the Zoo's great ape habitat in 1999, known as the PECO Primate Reserve.

"Institutions that survive reinvent themselves. That's how you go to the future," said Tony Gay, Vice President and General Counsel of PECO.

Between funding tickets for underserved students and its environmentally-savvy Browse program, PECO continues to help the Zoo innovate.

"We want to build on our partnership around energy-efficiency and conservation," Gay said.

Join the Philadelphia Zoo, in partnership with 6abc, for the inaugural Zoo-a-thon on Thursday, November 19. Learn how you can help by clicking here.

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