Northeast Philly apparel printing shop offers apprenticeship to help teens build their own business

Tuesday, March 28, 2023
NORTHEAST PHILADELPHIA (WPVI) -- Having access to things like sports and the arts is one way to engage teens, but so is helping them build a business.

A Northeast Philadelphia apparel printing shop is looking to do just that through an apprenticeship by showing city teens a way to build a future for themselves.

"The path is to build their own brand. They're pretty much becoming their own entrepreneur, so they're learning how to become their own boss, making money, responsibility. So it's not just about the brand, I think it will teach a lot of kids," said Jason Kil, owner of Unique Kreations.

Unique Kreations launched a Youth Empowerment Brand contest on Tuesday.

In an essay, applicants have to answer who they are and describe their brand and its impact on the community around them.

With the help of Power Circle Mentors, five winners will be selected and Unique Kreations will help them create their brand from start to finish - meaning from design, to how to sell the product.

Kil says everything will be sponsored and adds that they're not doing this outreach to make any money, but to build up teens.

"They don't know there's other ways that they could be making money instead of other things - the negative," he said. "I see a lot of kids that come through my door, and once they get in it, I see their progress. I see they're going on the right path. That's what we're trying to create."

Applicants must be between ages 13-18 and have until April 7 at 8 p.m. to submit their full essays. For more information, email
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