Rowan's Emily McCutcheon pitches 20-inning shutout for Division III record

Wednesday, May 8, 2024
GLASSBORO, New Jersey (WPVI) -- Monday's softball game between Rowan University and TCNJ lasted 20 innings.

What's the big deal you say? Well, Rowan sophomore Emily McCutcheon pitched all 20 innings.

You heard that right.

McCutcheon tossed a 20-inning, 1-0 shutout. That's 230 pitches in a game that lasted more than four hours.

"It doesn't even feel real at this point. It literally felt like a dream," McCutcheon told our Gabriella Galati.

The 20 complete innings pitched is a Division III record.

"It really didn't hit me until afterwards. The adrenalin, like the whole game, everybody was definitely tired after, but it didn't hit us until the game was over," she said.
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