Is Channel 6 a sought after place of employment?

Dateline article| David Murphy|

Yes. From a professional standpoint, Channel 6 (WPVI) is among the most sought-after employment opportunities in local television in the United States.

There are several reasons for this. The first is simple: location. WPVI is in Philadelphia, one of the largest and more attractive cities in the country. Second, Philadelphia is a major media market. Overall, there are more than 200 media markets in the U.S., from the small (ex.: Yuma, Ariz.) to the large (ex.: Los Angeles). In general, the smaller the market number, the harder it is to make a living in broadcasting and most journalists aspire to move up in market size. Since Philadelphia is currently market four, it's definitely on the wish list of many television broadcasters. Third, Channel 6 is successful. In broadcast journalism, success often translates into job security. The more successful the station, the better chance you have of keeping your job, since stable stations put a high premium on employee stability. You'd be hard pressed to find a more successful and stable station than WPVI, thanks to the decades of loyalty shown to us by generations of Action News viewers. It's something we think about a lot around here and work to preserve.

---David Murphy

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