As many of this era's best singer/songwriters to take cover behind band name aliases (i.e. Palace, Songs: Ohia, Iron & Wine, Bright Eyes), it's become more of statement when a songwriter sets out with his real name. For Adam Arcuragi, hiding behind an alias would contradict the nature of his songs – distinct epics that are simultaneously personal, sensitive, intense, and subtle. Arcuragi's debut full-lengthis an introduction to a bright new lyricist who combines the icy-melancholy of Red House Painters or Mark Lanegan, with the classic Americanism of Tom Petty or Bob Dylan, the sincerity of Elliott Smith or Damien Jurado, and the sophisticated use of words typical of the Mountain Goats or Neutral Milk Hotel. His unique form of free-flowing, introspective lyrics and compelling harmonies are certain to win fans from appreciators of bands like My Morning Jacket and the Shins.
Adam Arcuragi is a 28-year-old prizewinning poet and playwright who began seriously writing songs about seven years ago. Despite having written and recorded dozens of songs, only five have had proper releases: four appeared on the split EP Opening Acts and Other Surprises (Father Records) with fellow Philadelphians, Audible, and a preview demo version of "The Song the Sinner Sings" (from Adam Arcuragi) was featured on last year's Urban Outfitters/Filter Magazine tsunami relief compilation, alongside rare tracks from Interpol, Death Cab for Cutie, Franz Ferdinand and others.
Recorded in fits and starts over the past three years, Adam Arcuragi is the proper debut equal to his talent. The album's eleven tracks show a songwriter who has the uncanny ability to convey deep emotion through intelligent, poetic lyrics. His songs show an adventurous writer, rich with honesty, vulnerability, and sensitivity. Adam Arcuragi features contributions from members of Audible, Mazarin, Bitter Bitter Weeks, National Eye, Matt Pond PA, the Rachel's, Evil Janet, the Trouble With Sweeney, and Ink & Dagger.
After the release and of his self-titled solo album and the ensuing tour, Adam Arcuragi began the arduous task of sorting through all the songs, sketches of songs, and half-songs that he wrote in the time since his debut was recorded in late 2005. The quality and quantity was quite astounding. Knowing that the path to realizing his second record in the grand manner it has been imagined, Arcuragi knew it would be a long path.
The five songs that make up the Soldiers for Feet were recorded during a break from working on Arcuragi's yet-untitled, soon-to-be-finished second proper album. Originally conceived as a home-recorded documentation of his new material, the sessions flourished into into a portrait of the artist in his most intimate situation -- at home, playing and singing his songs, with his friends in tow. When you have friends in such great bands as BC Camplight, National Eye and War On Drugs, success was guaranteed. Arcuragi opens himself up with graceful charm; his new songs are bound to impress and recruit fans."
Please enjoy the performance video from his show at The General Lafayette Inn
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