The Institute says all states should raise the age to 17, perhaps even 18.
Some teens Action News spoke to today say, they're not interested in waiting.
"I think they should keep it at 16 because its unfair for us who waited until we turned a certain age to take our test," said Brianna Charles of Roxborough.
A few moms had another take.
"Insurance purposes, accidents are so much more, especially with the kids when they're going to proms and going to school. It should be raised a little bit higher," said Eddie Owens of Southwest Philadelphia.
Supporters of raising the driving age say the move would save lives, saying in 2005, 64 out of every 100,000 16-year-old drivers were involved in fatal accidents.
That number drops to 59 at age 17.
Opponents say it's experience, not age, that leads to fewer accidents.
Despite the push from the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, it doesn't appear many states are interested in raising the driving age.
At least five states, including Delaware, have considered it recently, but the measures failed to become law.
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