The Phanatic was greeted with hugs, cheers and high fives.
He quickly went to work, helping the crew with some hammering. But, as you might expect, that didn't last long as the Phanatic started throwing tools everywhere!
After dancing on some drywall, the Phanatic found lots of Phillies pride among the workers. In fact one of them had a Phillies tattoo right across the chest.
While he couldn't match that, the Phanatic tried to prove how tough he is by arm wrestling a worker who decided to put on a Red Sox hat. Fortunately, the Phanatic defended his Philly pride with a quick pin of his opponent!
There was one more incident before the Phanatic left. A 6abc employee dared to step outside in a Red Sox jersey! No one at the work site was happy about that, and they told him exactly what they thought!
After that, the Phanatic calmed down and took some pictures with the workers.
CLICK HERE for more video of the Phanatic's visit.