"This is history and I'm so proud; I just had to come and support Obama," Angel Garrett-Robinson of Strawberry Mansion said.
Everett Staten opened the store on Germantown Avenue in East Mount Airy seven weeks ago, just to sell a few buttons. Even he was surprised by how much Obama supporters wanted to get a piece of the election.
"It blossomed from there because the button grew into a t-shirt to a rally sign to a portrait to pillows," Staten said.
The Obama Boutique happens to be across the street from an Obama campaign office and all the proceeds from what they have been selling had been going to the Obama campaign. Now that Obama has won the election, they are sending all the proceeds to organize an inauguration party in Philadelphia.
Nearly all of the items for sale were produced by local artists.
"It's not just for the African-American community, but we have an American who happens to be black and is President of the United States and I'm so proud right now," Tiffani Garrett of Strawberry Mansion said.
83 percent of voters in Philadelphia cast a ballot for Obama yesterday.
"I have no words. It's just so wonderful for America," Portia Brister of Mounty Airy said.
Some of them are still speechless for having seen an African-American win the White House in their lifetimes.