Tough decision for "Chrysler family"

WILMINGTON, Del. - December 3, 2008 - For 16 years, William Barlett has worked the assembly line at Chrysler, in what he thought was a secure job. That was until 2007, when workers were told the plant would close in 2009. Then, the news got worse.

Blaming a tumbling economy, the company decided to close the plant a year earlier.

CLICK HERE for more on the crisis at Chrysler.

Now, workers like Barlett are facing a life-changing decision: Accept a company buyout package by December 7th, or transfer to another plant in locations that are also struggling.

The Barletts have to consider two autistic children and an extended family in Delaware.

"With the children the way they are, relocating is not an option," Barlett said.

The family has lived in the same neighborhood since 1995 and they all agree, there's no place like home.

So, William's wife, Brenda, is considering new options for caring for her special needs children, 9-year-old Brianna and 16-year-old Dillon.

"I guess I'll have to go out and work and he'll take my place," Brenda Barlett said.

For now, William says he'll look for another job, hoping it comes close to his income from Chrysler.

"If there's any openings. I've been looking and looking," Barlett said. "There's not a lot of opportunity out there."

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