A Code Blue declaration is made in Montgomery County when the combination of air temperature and wind chill is anticipated to be 20 degrees or less.
To help stay warm, and safe, officials offer the following tips:
- Keep room temperature at least 65 degrees
- Wear layers of cotton clothing
- Avoid sleeping in the clothes you wore during the day
- Find out if any medicines you are taking makes you more sensitive to cold
- Stay active around the house instead of sitting still
- Eat well balanced, nutritious meals help the body produce its own heat
- Drink warm, sweet drinks like hot cocoa or sweetened coffee
- Avoid alcoholic drinks - they can cause your body to lose heat
Links for more information:
CLICK HERE for more tips on extreme cold safety
CLICK HERE for more on Montgomery County's Code Blue alert
CLICK HERE for tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CLICK HERE for tips on keeping your pets warm and safe