Today, /*David Vargas*/, 18, and /*Fernando Genuall*/, 19, received each rewards of nearly $6,000 for their parts in the apprehension of /*Jose Carrasquillo*/. They're splitting $11,500 in reward money from the Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police.
"On behalf of the Fraternal Order of Police, we thank them for their efforts that they did on that day to make sure that this vicious assailant was taken off the streets," /*John McNesby*/, F.O.P president said during Friday morning's reward presentation.
Police had shown them Carrasquillo's picture just 30 minutes before the men found him, and they recognized him as someone they had seen in the neighborhood. As soon as they saw Carrasquillo, they ran across the street and grabbed him. When he struggled free, Fernando grabbed a 2x4 piece of wood and started hitting him.
Among the people watching this morning's check presentation was the young victim and her family. Her father had this to say: " Thank you, police department, citizens of Philadelphia. Thank you for your effort, for your time. Just thank you for caring enough."
Sources tell Action News that after hours of questioning Thursday, Carrasquillo was not being very cooperative. Investigators say they already have evidence, they have time, and they are waiting to get lab results back sometime early next week. Officers say they are confident they'll be able to charge Carrasquillo with raping an 11-year-old girl earlier this week.
RELATED VIDEO: Rape suspect seen on surveillance video
Surveillance video shows the girl escorting her little sister to daycare. As the girls cross Kensington Avenue, a man in a white shirt can be seen walking next to them. Police identify that man as /*Carrasquillo*/.
He follows them across the street and down the sidewalk. Ten minutes later, police say Carrasquillo was dragging that 11-year-old girl down an alley and into a secluded backyard.
That's where, police say, he raped the girl so brutally that she had to undergo surgery at the hospital.
A passerby found her bleeding and crying on the sidewalk.
In that yard, police found glasses they believe belong to Carrasquillo. They also say they found more evidence that links him to the crime.
Carrasquillo was jumped by an angry mob when they spotted him near Front and Clearfield on Tuesday afternoon. People in the neighborhood recognized him from a photo released by police.
RELATED VIDEO: Carrasquillo's beating caught on video
Philadelphia's police commissioner said Thursday he will not pursue criminal charges against a group of angry neighbors who beat Carrasquillo.
Commissioner Charles Ramsey said he made the decision based on the severity of Carrasquillo's head and face lacerations, his determination that the neighbors' intent was to bring the man to police and the high level of emotion in the community after the girl's brutal attack.
RELATED VIDEO: Carrasquillo's captors congratulated
About a dozen residents of the city's West Kensington neighborhood pummeled Carrasquillo for several minutes on Tuesday. Officers arrived and took him into custody on an outstanding warrant.
"From what I've seen so far, we have one victim and that's an 11-year-old girl," Ramsey said in an interview with The Associated Press.
Before making his decision, Ramsey said, he monitored Carrasquillo's condition and reviewed surveillance video of the assault. As soon as officers arrived at the scene, he said, the group stopped the beating.
"These people saw him, he attempted to run and they caught up with him," Ramsey said. "If the injuries had been severe, maybe we'd have to rethink it."
Carrasquillo has been released from the hospital, and was being interviewed by detectives Thursday afternoon.
RELATED VIDEO: Police bring Carrasquillo into the hospital
Police are also reviewing more videotape of a man who groped a girl outside the Kensington Creative and Performing Arts High School on Monday morning, the same day as the rape of the 11-year-old.
Police say the girl has now identified Carrasquillo as the man who groped her.
After the girl was groped, police say the man went into the school, sat down in the cafeteria, and had breakfast.
In a statement released by the Philadelphia School District, officials say the girl saw the intruder and started to scream. That caused the man to run out of the school.
District officials say they are now investigating how an intruder was able to get into the school unnoticed. They say a letter was sent to students and parents on Tuesday informing them of the incident.
Since this all began, police say more victims of sexual assault have been coming forward, saying Carrasquillo is the man who attacked them.
The Associated Press contributed to this report
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