A 7-year-old girl had gone to school earlier that day, where officials noticed some bruises. They contacted the Division of Family Services, who in turn called the state police.
According to investigators, Robert Webb Jr., 28, got angry while his 7-year-old daughter was working on her homework back on August 25th.
Police say Webb got angry when the girl appeared to be guessing at the answers, instead of doing the work.
Police say Webb punched the girl in the arm, pushed her into a cabinet where she struck her head and face, then got a knife and put it to the girl's cheek, breaking the skin.
Police say several other young siblings of the girl, ages 1 to 12, were there to witness or hear the incident.
Troopers say they later learned the victim was kept out of school for several days, presumably until the victim could heal from the assault.
Webb is charged with Possession of a Deadly Weapon during the Commission of a Felony, Aggravated Menacing, Assault 3rd degree, and 3 counts of Endangering the Welfare of a Child.
Webb was arrested and sent to prison on $19,000 cash bail.