Keep a toolbox out, from taking apart beds and tables to removing hardware, it's going to be indispensable.
You'll want to be sure you have a ratchet set, a multi-tip screwdriver, a screw gun, a measuring tape, lightweight spackle and a putty knife, a sanding sponge and instant bonding glue for those little mishaps that are bound to happen.
Beyond the actual tools have a kit with tape, string, sticky notes, plastic zipper bags, plastic wrap, a notebook, pens and permanant markers.
These items will help with not only packing boxes but with taking notes about where things are packed, sizes of different items, corralling hardware from curtains and artwork and sealing baskets and other open items.
Keep your fridge stocked with easy to grab snacks and plenty of drinks, as silverware and dishes disappear you'll be able to keep yourself hydrated and fed so you can keep working.
I hope these ideas help releive some of the stress on your big moving day! I'm Mrs. Fixit and it's just that simple!
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