Last year the parade was a big event for 6abc. I didn't make it home until late afternoon, parking myself on the couch and waiting for my husband, who had been one of the thousands of hysterical fans to go to the festivities. Then we settled in with a movie, enjoying the spectacle of neighborhood kids ringing the bell and grabbing a handful of candy. I knew we wanted a little person of our own and I wondered what it would be like to be one of those mothers taking part in the yearly ritual: helping your child get ready, taking lots of pictures and then clutching their hand as they went door-to-door, amped up on sugar and excitement.
What a difference a year makes.
My little guy is too small to really get in on the act. But he's got a costume, purchased by his father before he even made his big entrance. So yet again we'll lounge on the couch with our big bowl of candy. But this year we'll have a little ghost of our own to help us greet the revelers and let us look forward to haunting the block with him this time next year.