Soldiers home for the holidays

FT. DIX, NEW JERSEY- December 8, 2009 There were hugs all around Tuesday after soldiers saw their families for the first time in 10-months.

"I was afraid I was going to miss it and I'm not going to miss it now and I'm so happy for it," said Spc. David Falk.

"Oh I'm ecstatic, I just want to see my kid really, I have a 10-year-old daughter at home," said Sgt. Bonnie Henry.

It was pure joy and relief for military families to be together again.

"Oh I miss them, I miss them so much, they got so big and they're ready to terrorize me," exclaimed Sgt. Michael Rooney.

"Oh absolutely it's the greatest Christmas present ever. I'm so happy. It's been a really long year and we're really happy he's some and safe," said Melissa Rooney, Sgt. Rooney's wife.

"It's been a long year, it was challenging but we got through it. That was the hardest part about deployment, missing everybody in a foreign country," said Sgt. Linda Conner.

During their deployment, these combat support soldiers were responsible for maintaining and flying planes and helicopter. It may take a little time to adjust to home.

"It feels good. It's weird to see trees and grass," said Spc. Laurie Graham.

But with their loved ones finally home, for some families this will be a special holiday season, just ask the wife of Major Carl Devitz.

"He's the center of the family so it's gonna be the best Christmas, this is our present."

These units have close to 500 soldiers still in Iraq, unfortunately they won't make it home for the holidays, they will return in January.

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