Sgt. Mark Wysocky of the Florida Highway Patrol said Rodman and another passenger weren't injured in the single-vehicle crash on Saturday on Interstate 95 near Fort Lauderdale. The driver was taken to a hospital.
Wysocky said the Land Rover flipped over after having a tire problem. No charges are expected.
Rodman's agent, Darren Prince, said he spoke with his client on Sunday, and he confirmed that he was unhurt. Rodman had just returned to the U.S. from the Caribbean island of St. Tropez, where he had a disc-jockey gig.
"Thank God he's OK," Prince said. "He walked out with a little scratch on his finger."
Prince said that Rodman told him, "'I'm still living brother. They can't get rid of me."'
Rodman told his agent that the driver had a gash in his head and was in stable condition.
Known for his flamboyance on and off the court, Rodman won three NBA championships with Chicago and two with Detroit. He led the league in rebounding seven consecutive seasons in the 1990s and was named defensive player of the year twice.
He has appeared in several movies and TV shows, including the 1997 film "Double Team" with Jean Claude Van Damme and "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew."