In Pennsylvania, a new survey of likely voters shows Republican Pat Toomey ahead of Democrat Joe Sestak in the senate race.
46% for Toomey.
37% for Sestak.
Undecided voters make up 12% of the voters surveyed. 5% percent prefer a candidate other than Toomey or Sestak.
The Rasmussen poll has a margin of error of 4%.
Joe Sestak is hoping that a big endorsement from The Big Apple will help him turn the tables.
Democrat Joe Sestak got the nod from a politician with national standing: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, a former Republican, now Independent, known for crossing party lines.
"A vote for Joe is a vote for leadership; a vote for Joe is a vote for independence; a vote for Joe is a vote for results we as a nation desperately need," Bloomberg told the crowd Tuesday morning.
"I'd be honored to have the opportunity to be a public servant like the mayor," Sestak said.
Sestak's opponent, Republican Pat Toomey --who is on a trip to California, fired back in a statement, saying "an endorsement from a New York City mayor and Yankees fan can't hide the fact that Joe Sestak voted with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time."
But Bloomberg, a Wall Street billionaire, said he wasn't bothered by Sestak's attack on Toomey for being too easy on the Street. In fact, he said Sestak would protect the average Wall Street worker, who he said makes on average $50,000 a year.
Pressed by the audience, Bloomberg refused to step back from his strong support for a mosque near the "Ground Zero" site at the former World Trade Center.
"I happen to believe that is the most important right we have, the right to say what we want to say, which includes pray to whomever we want, in any place we want, in any manner we choose," Bloomberg said.
Sestak says the idea of a joint appearance actually came from Mayor Bloomberg.
Then, Mayor Bloomberg got a cheesesteak for the ride home. It remains to be seen if Sestak, who currently trails Toomey in the polls, will get a tasty too after his time spent with Bloomberg.