Parenting: Tips for a fun, safe Halloween

October 18, 2010

We spent some time at Linvilla Orchards in Delaware County, to hear about some of your traditions for October 31st:

Share photos of your youngsters, all dressed up for their big night.

The Giuntas of West Chester made a morning trip to Linvilla on a crisp fall day, looking for pumpkins, and looking forward to making new memories on a holiday that so many families celebrate together.

Dawn Giunta said, "All of the kids get together, cousins ranging from two months to 18, and we all go trick or treating together."

The Longs of Brookhaven figure the family that portrays cartoon characters together, stays together. They shared with us their trick-or-treating plans:

"We're going to walk around our neighborhood, we're going to do Popeye, Olive Oyl, and Sweet Pea," explained Sara Long.

The Friends Child Care Center of Center City happened to be at Linvilla for their Halloween hayride. And one of the parents, Adia Ruff of Northeast Philadelphia, was talking about safety for the youngsters on that trick-or-treating night.

Adia tells us the keys are, "To keep them as close to you as possible, not to be out too late, and try to pick one particular location that you think is pretty safe for all of them." offers these tips for young Halloweeners:

  • Make sure their costumes are flame-retardant.
  • Get reflective tape and flashlights for those who will be out after sundown.
  • And avoid oversized costumes that might lead to tripping and falling.
Check out the full list of Halloween tips on

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