"These are my favorite I can't wait to wear these to some holiday parties," said Kearstin August.
Twin sisters Kearstin and Katie have what they called a healthy obsession with shoes!
But, instead of hitting the stores shopping the latest trends, they shop an online shoe of the month club called Shoe Dazzle.
"Between the two of us we have close to 40 pairs," said Kearstin.
Shoe Dazzle offers exclusive shoes, handbags and accessories you won't find anywhere else. Each item costs $39.95 and the club offers free shipping!
Reality Star and fashion trend-setter Kim Kardashian helped create Shoe Dazzle.
"We are bringing the Rodeo Drive experience and having your own Hollywood stylist, but it's affordable," said ShoeDazzle Stylist Anya Sarre.
Anya Sarre dresses Hollywood celebrities. She is also part of the team of personal stylists for Shoe Dazzle which includes Kardashian.
"The great thing about Shoe Dazzle is you go online, you take your own personal style profile, and from that, all our team of stylists come up with the right product for you," said Sarre.
Each month ShoeDazzle clients can select from the looks sent to their personal showroom. If the client does not like the look, they can simply request additional items.
"If you want to skip a month, no problem, just request a skip," added Sarre.
ShoeDazzle said the fashions are trendy and current. And because it's a customized service it can style any women, any age!
"So, we have flats, mid-heels, boots and high heels. So there really is something for everyone," added Sarre.
The company prides itself on its high standards of quality and says it stands behind its products:
"Returns are free and easy... If it's not for you, you need a different size, you need a different style put it back in the box, that that return label on it send it back completely free and easy," said ShoeDazzle CEO Deborah Benton.
Here's another fabulous way to get shoes and handbags for just $39.95. Check out: Just Fabulous!
"We don't think you have to pay a lot of money to have great quality and high fashioned shoes," said Just Fabulous President Lizzie Francis.
The club offers fashionable items and your own stylist!
"So we're really giving customers their own personal styling. Celebrities everywhere have them that's why they look so fantastic all the time," added Francis
Users log onto JustFab.com and take the fashion personality quiz to customize their closet. Just Fabulous offers free shipping and returns - and members are not obligated to buy anything.
Aside from shopping in your personal boutique each month, members can also choose from a list of hot items picked out by the stylists.
"Every woman has a different persona or personality or look that works for them," added Francis.
Even Hollywood celebrities are being spotted in Just Fabulous footwear!
"Kristin Cavallari was spotted in our shoes last month. Lindsay Lohan was also spotted and Karina Smirnoff was spotted in a pair of our booties just last week," said Francis.
The clubs do not charge you anything until you make your first purchase but after that initial purchase, they will automatically charge you $39.95 every month unless you indicate you want to skip or opt out.And this is important you must indicate you're opting out by the 5th of every month.
The good news is if you forget, you can at least use that $39.95 charge as a credit for a future purchase.
Here are two ways Action News viewers can advantage of exclusive EXTRA club savings :
Shoe Dazzle already offers new clients 50% off their first club purchase. But use code ABCDAZZLE and receive 20% off your second showroom purchase by 11/5/10.
Just Fab is giving 100 Action News viewers a free pair of shoes or a bag. To enter your name for the giveaway, sign up for Just-Fab this week by clicking this link: http://www.justfab.com/actionnews.