Old Ralphy had a few pearls of wisdom: "Hard work ain't easy"; "Being poor stinks"; and "Never get separated from your lunch!" We like the idea of trying to teach our children the wide variety of jobs out there and how hard people work behind the scenes. Sometimes those hard working people go unnoticed.
My daughters and I recently spent a blissful afternoon at the Four Seasons Hotel in Philadelphia for their famously delightful children's holiday tea. We had such a great time together. Afterwards, they were kind enough to take us on a fascinating behind the scenes tour so our kids could really see how many people are working around the clock to make the hotel sing, without missing a note.
We visited the gigantic washing room where the hotel does all of their own laundry. There are one of a kind machines that dry and press the linens so the tables look beautiful! They even have their own dry cleaning room where employees pick up their uniforms each morning. We were introduced to the amazing pastry chef and his team as they prepared all their fresh baked goods, and the tour of the kitchen left the kids in awe of the chef.
The girls seemed to have a new appreciation for roles people play and how much work goes into every single event.
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