So what's the BIG DEAL? One service is rarely, if ever, offered on these daily group coupon sites. That's dry cleaning.
I spotted a deal for you today on Double Take Deals and had to share.
TCS Organic Dry Cleaners in Malvern is offering half off its new non-toxic process. It's completely chemical free. You get $30 toward dry cleaning for only $15.
Twitter Deals
ExtremeCoupon: Office Max: Back-to-School Under .50 deals and FREE Stuff 7/31 - 86: Here are some back-to-school-deals for .50 ...
Famous Footwear: Back to school shoe shopping has never been easier during BOGO! Buy one, get one 1/2 off now at Famous Footwear. #HowwillyouBOGO?
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couponteacher: Back to School Deals: Staples $.50 and under 7/31/11 via Coupon Teacher - Looks like another great week at ...