Tareq Salahi filed paperwork in Warren County saying his wife, Michaele Salahi, abandoned the marriage when she left their Virginia home Tuesday to be with Neal Schon in Tennessee. He also accused Schon of emailing him a picture of a penis, though he doesn't elaborate as to why.
"Over the objections of me, she continually exposes our friends and acquaintances to her adulterous relationship and has flaunted the same throughout the community, the nation and indeed the world, and thus caused ... me to suffer great harm, humiliation, and embarrassment," he said in the divorce petition.
Schon did not return an email. A representative for the group did not return a call seeking comment. Neither Tareq Salahi nor his attorney returned messages seeking comment.
Tareq reported his wife missing the day she reportedly ran off with Schon. He told police he feared she had been kidnapped, but authorities who talked to her said she told them she was "where she wanted to be."
Court documents say the couple had a prenuptial agreement, but the terms were not specified. The couple was married in November 2003.
"There is no hope or possibility of reconciliation," Tareq Salahi said, adding that he "has been greatly hurt and disturbed" by Michaele Salahi's actions.
The couple gained notoriety in 2009 when they crashed a White House state dinner. Michaele Salahi was a cast member of the reality show "Real Housewives of D.C." last year, but the show was canceled after one season. She was thrown off the reality show "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" when it became apparent she wasn't addicted to anything.
Tareq Salahi said in the court filing that Schon was his wife's former boyfriend. Schon's band had played at the couple's northern Virginia winery, and photos on social networking websites show them partying with the band on several occasions. He also said the band paid for his wife's travel, accommodations and other expenses.
Tareq Salahi claims he has suffered both emotional and physical harm from his wife's actions. In addition to being able to stay in their home, he asked the court to ban both parties from harming the value of their assets, threatening or harassing each other. .