Consumer News: overdrafts fees and Netflix

September 19, 2011

The programs are under three different sets of regulations so the new director of the CFPB says not only does he plan to scrutinize the programs but also consider standardizing the rules, particularly those that cover overdraft fees.

Elsewhere, good news for Philadelphia Gas Works customers who want help managing their winter heating bills.

The state has started sending LIHEAP applications to customers who got the grant last year and to others who may be eligible.

If you get an application, apply now before the money runs out.

Right now only customers who get an application in the mail can apply but anyone can apply for LIHEAP starting Nov. 1.

And lastly, Netflix is separating its DVD-by-mail and web-streaming services.

Now, if you want both, you'll have to get two separate accounts.

In a few weeks, Netflix subscribers who want to get DVDs by mail will go to a website called Qwikster. It will also offer video games.

The streaming business will continue to be called Netflix.

In announcing the changes, the CEO of Netflix apologized to subscribers for the previous way the company communicated its decision to split the two services, which raised prices for those who want both.

However, he did not apologize for the price hikes themselves.

Netflix says it will add substantial streaming content in the next few months and reassured subscribers there will be no more pricing changes.

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