Security heavy at private service for Steve Jobs
PALO ALTO, Calif. (AP) - October 16, 2011
It was unclear when the event started or how many were in
attendance but reporters saw dozens of people walking from a church
to another building. Soft music could be heard coming from there
Apple spokesman Todd Wilder tells reporters he's been there
since 2 p.m. PDT. He says it's a private event and he can't release
any details about it. Stanford has also declined comment.
Earlier, guards directed the handful of reporters to a parking
lot several hundred yards away from Stanford's Memorial Church
where the service was held.
Additional personnel behind steel barricades allowed only a
smattering of vehicles to enter the area.
Jobs was the mastermind behind popular gadgets such as the
iPhone and iPad. He died Oct. 5 at age 56 after struggling for
years with pancreatic cancer.