PORTLAND, Ore. - October 22, 2011
They also created an ideal place for the homeless. Some were
already living in the parks, while others were drawn from elsewhere
to the encampment's open doors.
Now, protesters from Portland to Los Angeles to Atlanta are
trying to distinguish between homeless people who are joining their
movement and those who are there for the amenities. When night
falls in Portland, for instance, protesters have been dealing with
fights, drunken arguments and the display of the occasional knife.
However, many homeless say the protests have helped them speak
out against the economic troubles that sent them to the streets in
the first place.
"The city wasn't giving us what we needed," said Joseph
Gordon, 31, who trekked his way from Cincinnati two months ago and
noted that there is nearly always enough food but never enough
shelter. "You can't feed your problem away. It took this camp to
show people how it really is."
As protesters across the country try to coalescence around an
agenda in the coming weeks and months, they are trying to make life
work in camps that have become small-scale replicas of the cities
in which they were erected. And just like those cities, they are
dealing with many of the same problems the local governments have
struggled for decades to solve.
Some organizers see the protest and the inclusion of the
homeless as an opportunity to demonstrate their political ideals.
They see the possibility to show that the homeless are not hopeless
and that they, too, can become a functional part of society.
In Portland, the protest has swallowed up two square blocks.
There are shaggy haired college kids, do-gooder hippies, and
couples with their young children. They came by the dozen, in cars
and vans, on bikes and on foot and in rides hitched on the highway.
Rain falls daily and dry socks are at a premium.
At the center of the camp are the medical, information, library
and wellness tents. Along one side are families, who established a
play area for children. On the opposite side is the "A-Camp" -
for anarchist. It's where the city's anarchist faction and
long-term homeless sleep.
"We're here to spoil each other," said Kat Enyeart, a
25-year-old medic who says she spends half her time tending to the
homeless, some of whom are physically and mentally ill. "It's a
big, messy, beautiful thing."
As the occupation enters its fourth week, divisions have begun
to emerge. Without the ability to enforce laws and with little
capacity to deal with disruptive or even violent people, the camp
is holding together as it struggles to maintain a sense of order
and purpose.
One man recently created a stir when he registered with police
as a sex offender living in the park. A man with mental health
problems threatened to spread AIDS via a syringe. At night, the
park echoes with screaming matches and scuffles over space,
blankets, tents or nothing at all.
Last week, a homeless man menaced a crowd of spectators with a
pair of scissors. Micaiah Dutt, a four-tour veteran of the Iraq
War, and two other former soldiers had no problem tackling and
subduing the man. Other members of the protest's volunteer security
detail have been punched and threatened with knives.
Dutt said he felt helpless at times and noted that the man he
helped subdue could, in theory, press assault charges against him.
"I served four tours in Iraq, and I felt more safe there at
times than here," he told a gathering of protest organizers under
a drizzly evening sky. "There, I had a weapon and knew the people
around me were with me. Here, I don't know."
Dutt said the protests are not just about the radicals and the
politicians. "It's about our community taking care of itself
because the city, county and federal governments have neglected
this population," he said.
In Los Angeles, protesters are dealing with similar issues:
Homeless transplants from the city's Skid Row have set up their
tents within the larger tent city. No violence has been reported,
but protest organizers are attempting to discourage people who are
only at the encampment for the amenities.
Some, like Steven Pierieto, said they've fallen on difficult
times but are at the protest because they support the movement.
They scorn those who come for the sandwiches but never lift a
protest sign. Life in camp, Pierieto said, is far better than life
on Skid Row.
"I'm very comfortable right here," Pierieto said. "I don't
have to smell urine. I don't have to see people smoking crack. I
have porta-potties right here. It's peaceful."
In Oakland, Calif., where the camp on the City Hall lawn has
become a tourist attraction, organizer Susanne Sarley said getting
along for a common cause will be an ongoing challenge. "This is
the homeless people's turf," Sarley said. "This area we're
occupying is their home. We can't move them. We have to cooperate
and respect the community that we're in."
The friction between the homeless and the protesters has not
been the case in other cities. In Atlanta, for instance, it has
been a benefit. The homeless have helped newbie protesters learn
how to put up tents that can withstand wind gusts, maintain peace
in close quarters and survive the outdoors.
Billy Jones, 28, provides security at the protests. Jones said
he's not just looking for free food.
"Don't have the misconception that most homeless people are
always out for a meal," Jones said. "I'm here because there are
things I can lend that are helpful to the movement. I can get food
anywhere. I don't have to be at Occupy Atlanta to get food."
In Salt Lake City, protesters see working with the homeless as
an opportunity to demonstrate their political views. "We can help
people get out of homelessness," said organizer Jesse Fruhwirth,
30. "We have already surpassed any effort the state or city has
ever made to create a sober, happy space for the homeless."
Brent Jackson, 46, is one of the homeless who has been recruited
as a volunteer and is an active member of a planning group. He said
the protest's message rings especially true with homeless people.
"The homeless are the bottom of the 99 percent," Jackson said,
referring to the percent of Americans the protest says it
"We have a lot of disillusioned Americans, but they don't think
what happened to us can happen to them," he said. "Except it
Cristian Salazar in New York, Christina Hoag in Los Angeles,
Harry R. Weber in Atlanta, Josh Loftin in Salt Lake City and Terry
Collins in Oakland. Calif. contributed to this report.
'Occupy' camps provide food, shelter for homeless
By 6abc
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