Parenting: Agreeing to disagree on discipline

October 19, 2012

Certainly you have your own ideas on what that should be but sometimes, it is very different from your spouse's ideas.

I found a great blog offering a few pieces of advice. It discusses what to do if you find yourself at a stalemate with your husband/wife on what to do about Johnny or Judy's problem.

The article "When Parents Disagree about Discipline" is from Kimberly L. Keith, who writes in's series on parenting advice for school-age children.

Mind you, this is not a debate about spanking or time outs. Keith offers advice on how to come up with a discipline plan, and how to find common ground with your spouse.

Here are a few snippets from Keith:

  • Discipline tactics are formed through tradition. You may think you know what is best for your child, usually through your own experiences with your parents. Chances are, your spouse feels the same way. You need to talk about your ideas and form a compromise.

  • Consider modern-day norms. Something that was accepted and believed to have worked decades ago may not be accepted anymore, and may have been debunked by newer research.

  • Focus on the positive, not the negative. Think of the childhood experiences that made you happy, and use those feelings, ideas, and memories to help make your child just as happy.

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