Fawnda Bracken thought it was fate that caused her to bump into us. She wracked her brain and called some friends trying to come up with someone to help. We liked that she chose a person from Camden whom she never even met before: an acquaintance of her daughter's.
Dorothy Ross sounded like someone who could use a break, and she fit all the rules for our Pay 6 Forward stories:
*You can't keep the money yourself
*You can't give it to a relative or someone you live with
*The money needs to go to a friend or a neighbor or someone from a church group who is going through a particularly hard time.
*That person has to be available RIGHT THEN for the surprise!
"She's a mom with a new baby, I think 3 other babies at home," Fawnda told us. "She's single and she's sick."
She now has 4 children under the age of 7! Little Liam, just 1 day old, is in the Intensive Care Unit. With the father no longer in the picture, Dorothy needed a helping hand. We took off through the halls of Cooper University Hospital with their staff helping us orchestrate this unusual surprise.
We visited Dorothy in her room and explained Pay 6 Forward. Dorothy was overwhelmed by the cameras and the surprise. Dorothy couldn't believe the kindness of strangers.
Then it cam time to Pay 6 Forward.
"It always goes to the kids," Dorothy told us. "It seems like every time it gets hard it gets better. I'm so blessed"
We also have a new part of our Pay 6 Forward series underway. Just follow this link and tell us how you plan to pay it forward. Action News just might show up to help with your surprise.